PKTN Salatiga
Kota SALATIGA – UNGARAN dan sekitarnya
Natural Health Care & Hospitals Non scientific
Now you can simply contact our health consultant and terapisi to get adequate health care Natural wholeheartedly in your home. Starting from the initial health checks FREE, FREE reflexology therapy to the right herbal solution, even we also do re-visit your home to Ensure the Cell and healthy development of families with high quality herb native to Indonesia. Contact us immediately and let Natural healthy.
The concept of synergy triangle natural medicine and scientific style Naturindo above we apply a method of healing Holistic roomates means the healing process so that the total effect is expected not only to provide temporary healing or pain relievers alone. Herbal quality, proper diet and aligned reflection be a superior service packs Naturindo for a much better life.
PKTHN ( Persatuan Konsultan & Terapisi Herbal Naturindo ) Area Salatiga. Sebuah komunitas bagi pelaku kesehatan Alternatif : Herbal, Refleksi, & juga Hipnoterapi. Sebelum mengenal Hipnoterapi, Team Konsultan kami dalam memberikan pelayanan ke pasien melalui terapi Herbal & Refleksi, sekarang sudah dilengkapi dengan Hipnoterapi, sehingga efek penyembuhan yang dihasilkan lebih luar biasa lagi.
Bagi yang membutuhkan pelayanan konsultasi : kesehatan fisik & psikis, pemberdayaan diri, traumatik & Phobia addiction, penurunan berat badan, Alergi, tekanan darah tinggi, asma, kanker, AIDS, dll.
Konsultasi Kesehatan fisik & psikis.
Melayani Terapi Herbal, Refleksi, & Hipnoterapi.
Alamat : Perum Wisma Melati No 8, Tegalrejo, Salatiga
HP. 0852 2919 3539